The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

Although comedian George Carlin’s infamous routine, “Seven Words You Can't Say on TV,” has become outdated, today many ideas are considered too “politically incorrect” to discuss in polite society. According to popular Los Angeles talk-radio host Larry Elder, many sacred cows- about racism and sexism, health care, welfare, education, the family, drug laws, the media, crime, gun control, and more- are soft-headed distortions that have worsened America's social problems. If “the truth shall make you free,” then, says Elder, these myths need a serious reality check- before we forget what truth and freedom look like. Larry Elder discussed what’s really wrong with America and how a free people, rather than an intrusive government, can fix it.

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

Why has Africa, despite its rich history, cultures, and abundant resources, largely remained in the grip of dictatorship, starvation, genocide and war? How can this tragic legacy of colonialism, socialism, and plutocracy be replaced with the welfare of economic liberalization, individual rights, and the Rule of Law? Based on his new book, "Africa in Chaos," award-winning economist George Ayittey will examine the record of American statism and the revolution for free-market societies.

George B. N. Ayittey Professor of Economics, American University Author, Africa in Chaos and Africa Betrayed

David J. Theroux Founder and President, The Independent Institute

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

When pioneering television journalist John Stossel joined ABC-TV's “20/20” in 1981, his peers and an admiring public hailed him as a crusading consumer reporter. His hard-hitting, in-your-face exposes of con artists and corporate liars and crooks won him 19 Emmys and an avid following. But, could the use of government power and the Nanny State be the biggest scam of all?

Posted: Fri. January 23, 2015

David J. Theroux, founder and president of The Independent Institute and the C.S. Lewis Society of California, discusses the writings of C.S. Lewis and Lewis's views on individual liberty, natural law and statism. The presentation was the keynote talk at the first annual conference of Christians for Liberty, that was held at St. Edwards University in Austin, TX, August 2, 2014.

Posted: Wed. December 24, 2014

Sr. Fellow David T. Beito appears on the Fox Business News' "Stossel" to debate whether government or private charity is a better way to abolish poverty. Beito, editor of the book The Voluntary City says that government is outdated and its War on Poverty is a failure.

Posted: Wed. December 10, 2014

Benjamin Powell debunks immigration myths

Posted: Wed. December 3, 2014

Research Fellow Burton A. Abrams appears on the "Freedom & Prosperity Radio" show with host Joe Thomas. Abrams talks about his book The Terrible 10: A Century of Economic Folly which contains ten of the U.S. federal government's biggest economic mistakes and the fallout of those mistakes.

Posted: Mon. December 1, 2014

October 20, 1999 The Independent Institute, Oakland, CA

Peter A. Thiel Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Confinity, Inc., and Research Fellow at The Independent Institute

Richard W. Rahn President, Novecon Corporation; former Chief Economist, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; and author of the book, The End of Money and the Struggle for Financial Privacy