The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Fri. August 9, 2013

In a cold war of words, President Barack Obama told Russian President Vladimir Putin he wouldn’t attend a Moscow summit in September. Research Fellow Anthony Gregory compares the two leaders’ record on human rights and asks why they would even meet in the first place.

Posted: Thu. August 1, 2013

Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to protect government whistle-blowers in an effort to be more transparent. When U.S. Army private Bradley Manning was convicted of espionage, Independent Institute Research Fellow Anthony Gregory said it's time to make a choice.

Posted: Tue. July 30, 2013

Mary Theroux, Senior Vice President at the Independent Institute, is interviewed by host Ernie Brown on the topic of Edward Snowden and the US Government’s Surveillance State.

Posted: Fri. July 19, 2013

Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on the Fox Business Channel’s “Stossel” show, recorded in Las Vegas, during FreedomFest. Powell discusses the valuation of US currency, the economic constant of greed, and the gold standard among other topics.

Posted: Fri. July 19, 2013

Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on the Fox Business Channel’s Stossel, recorded in Las Vegas, during FreedomFest. Powell discusses the valuation of US currency, the economic constant of greed, and the gold standard among other topics.

Posted: Fri. July 19, 2013

Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism: A special evening with our "Challenge of Liberty Summer Seminars" students and featured by C-SPAN's Book TV. Watch this eye-opening, timely discussion on the recent revelations of systematic government spying—including NSA accessing of phone records, USPS photocopying the exterior of all mail, and the dangers posed to liberty and security by these and other such unchecked and unconstitutional powers.

Posted: Wed. July 17, 2013

Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings is interviewed on WFPL in Louisville, KY.

Posted: Wed. July 17, 2013

Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings is interviewed by David Boze of KTTH in Seattle, WA.