The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. July 22, 2015

Independent Institute Senior Fellows John C. Goodman and Lawrence J. McQuillan speak on a panel with Heartland Institute Senior Fellow Peter Ferrara at the 2015 FreedomFest held in Las Vegas, NV. The program is moderated by Lewis Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee.

Thanks to FreedomFest, Inc. for the permission to post our fellows' presentation. For further information about FreedomFest, go to

Posted: Wed. July 22, 2015

Independent Institute Research Fellow Robert Murphy speaks on a panel alongside Max Borders, Doug Casey and Stephen Cox at the 2015 FreedomFest held in Las Vegas, NV.

Posted: Tue. July 21, 2015

Independent Institute Senior Fellow Randy Simmons speaks at the 2015 FreedomFest in Las Vegas, NV.

Posted: Mon. July 20, 2015

Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming, is interviewed on the Tom Brown Radio Show on WEZS in New Hampshire. McQuillan tells of the unfunded pension crisis facing cities, counties and states across America. Services are being cut by municipalities in order to pay for the retirement benefits of public employees. Recently bankruptcy courts have cut payments to retirees in settlements. McQuillan has a better plan which involves switching pension plans into private enterprise style 401k retirement plans.

Posted: Fri. July 17, 2015

Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming is Interviewed on WILS radio in Lansing, MI. McQuillan discusses the state of public pension crises throughout the U.S. Municipalities around the country face bankruptcy due to underfunded public pension funds. In his new book, McQuillan offers a common sense solution that could keep the funds solvent and also keep the promises made to current retirees.

Posted: Wed. July 8, 2015

Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming is interviewed on the nationally syndicated Bill Martinez radio show. McQuillan's book outlines a plan to switch public pensions to a 401(k) style plan. This way, public pensions won't threaten to bankrupt cities, counties, and states when they become underfunded.

Posted: Mon. July 6, 2015

Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming is interviewed by Michael Krasny on KQED radio’s Forum program. McQuillan tells of his plan to resolve the pension crisis in California and other states by switching from the current system to a 401(k) style of retirement plan, as most private sector companies use. This way, McQuillan argues, the public employee retirement system would be portable and transparent while remaining solvent.

Posted: Wed. July 1, 2015

Clifford F. Thies, author of The Independent Review article Repudiation in Antebellum Mississippi, is interviewed on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” about the state of Mississippi defaulting on its loans in the 1840s. Other states defaulted on loans during this period, but most reconciled with debtors, but not Mississippi. Mississippi repudiated its debts, refusing to pay them.