Woke Math in California Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers appears on the Zeb Bell show on KBAR Twin Falls, ID
Posted: Wed. April 13, 2022, 9:58am PT
Posted: Wed. April 13, 2022, 9:58am PT
Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers appears on the Zeb Bell radio show on KBAR in Twin Falls, ID. Politics is getting in to math instruction in California. Why is Che Guevara introduced in math problems? Why is ancient Mayan math introduced? These progressive education styles are being introduced into math classes in K-12 in California and is called self discovery and student led instruction among other terms. Teachers are not leading the classroom and math is to be discovered by students on their own terms. It's no surprise, says Evers, that American children are falling behind other nations in math skills.