The Power of Independent Thinking

“Climate Socialism” Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science appears on the Matt Buff show on AM 950 and 94.9 FM The Answer Orlando, FL.
Posted: Wed. April 27, 2022, 11:19am PT

Research Fellow David Legates, co-author of Hot Talk, Cold Science appears on the Matt Buff show on AM 950 and 94.9 FM The Answer Orlando, FL. The climate is always changing and always will, says Legates. Weather anomalies are blamed on anthropogenic climate change, and climate alarmism, especially on social media is frightening people, including children causing unnecessary anxiety. Legates speaks about his personal experience with the “Climategat” scandal when opposing scientists were blocked from publishing their studies on climate change. The IPCC and climate alarmist progressives, Legates says, are trying to get a great reset to global socialism.

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