The Power of Independent Thinking

Top Secret: How to Run a Great War
Posted: Wed. June 19, 2024, 1:30pm PT

Some 88 years ago, an economist and concerned citizen by the name of Bruce Knight published a book, How to Run a War, to warn essentially, about Washington’s ability to marshal all of the tools of the federal government to mobilize the nation for war. Written in a highly ironic tone, Knight was drawing on the history of the first World War in anticipation of the growing push for conflict in Europe, which as we know, happened, and probably beyond Knight’s wildest nightmares, in terms of costs and scope and existential crisis.

Our guests today, professors Christopher Coyne and Abigail Hall, have co-authored two previous books on the issue of the national security state, including Manufacturing Militarism and Tyranny Comes Home. Their new one is a fresh take on Knight’s 1936 book, entitled How to Run Wars, which is being released this week. It is as pertinent as ever, as national security elites know they must control the narrative, the media, dissent, the purse strings and more to ensure the public’s support for Washington’s security policies — no matter how wrong they are.

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