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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Why Making a Profit in Health Care Is Good
Presidential Hopefuls Ignore Key Pro-Freedom Principles
Republican Buffoons Have Handed the Nomination to Hillary; Let’s Examine Her Record
Europe’s Immigrant Problems Are Homegrown
Paris Climate Conference Is Likely to Fail
Argentina’s Last Chance
The Jeb Bush Health Plan: Five Ways It Differs From What Obama’s Done
Endless War Does Not Make Us Safer
Bush Health Plan Embraces Innovation and Patient-Centered Care
How Government Regulation Is Undermining Mental Health Care
California’s New Law Advances the Right to Die with Dignity
Yes, Nazis Disarming Jews Did Make a Difference
Is Obamacare Good for the Middle Class?
Hillary on Drugs: Bad Prescription
The War Over a Word
Are High Deductibles a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
Voters Should Demand a Strategic Foreign Policy Vision from Candidates
Why Not Just Get Rid of Labor Law?
Why Is There Global Poverty?
When Pensions Implode: Silicon Valley’s Lesson for New York
EPA’s Toxic Spill in Colorado Recalls Government Misdeeds in Love Canal Disaster
The Drinking Age: Won’t Someone Think of the Children?!
GOP Candidates Need to Take on the Fed
The Richer Are Getting Richer, But So Are the Poor
Anti-Gun Measures Don’t Work

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