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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Biden Bans Travel to Energy Conferences: It Didn’t Work in California
The Biden administration thinks it has energy figured out. It doesn’t.
Latin America on the Knife’s Edge
Bread and Circuses, Then and Now: America Mimics Rome’s Decline
What does the fall of Rome have to do with modern America?
We Will Miss Dianne Feinstein’s Bipartisanship
Inflationary Growth is Fake News
An American Lack of Introspection on Failed U.S. Foreign Policy
The American people must be shown that foreign policy crises don’t arrive out of the blue.
Beware the Rise of Esports Washing
How Saudi Arabia exploits video games for PR
Adam Smith’s Great Power Politics in One Paragraph
Reaching Across the Aisle for the Bill of Rights: Learning from a Political Odd Couple
Biden Bypasses Senate Confirmation in Labor’s Julie Su
A new, harmful precedent has been set.
Raid on Small-Town Paper Recalls FDR’s Harassment
Taxation as Social Justice
Academic Lies about Free-Market Economists
When the Left and Right Came Together to Applaud Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
San Francisco Values? Nancy Pelosi Explains It All for You.
According to her city, rules that apply to the working class don’t apply to the ruling class.
He’s at It Again! Merrick Garland Proposes Ever-More Intrusive ATF Regulations.
Freedom of Choice in Education: the Origins of a Slogan
For Whom Does the Ball Roll?
It’s time to recognize the successes and failures of American collegiate sports.
Post-Postmodern America
Woke Revolution depends on its advocates never having to experience firsthand any of the nonsense they inflict on others
Misinformation Is a Word We Use to Shut You Up
We Can’t Arrest Our Way out of Homelessness, but Law Enforcement Still Has a Role
The Benefits of SB-4 Should Be Extended to All Californians to Help Ease the Housing Shortage
Framers Would Likely Agree with Disqualifying Trump Under 14th Amendment
Newsom’s COVID Coverup
Despite the governor’s claims in his recent NBC interview, it was him calling the shots.
ObamaCare Turns Out to Be Affordable Only for the Healthy
It was supposed to help those with pre-existing conditions, but they pay dearly for bad options.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless