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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Obama Versus Osama
Nanny State Runs Amok With City’s Cigarette Tax
Showdown in Caracas
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict—Why the U.S. Should Care Less
Uribe Must Be Stopped
Economic recovery? Not so fast
Terrorism and Civil Liberties
Politicians Blow Smoke Rather than Address Vital Issues
Stop Bailing Out Government Schools
Intellectual Monopoly Is an Unnecessary Evil
The Contradictions of Secretary Geithner
A Time of Reckoning for the Poor
The Problem with Obama’s Antitrust Plan
History shows a ‘tough’ stance on monopolies doesn’t help consumers.
Don’t Admit the Ukraine into NATO
Under the Cassock
How the U.S. Empire Contributed to the Economic Crisis
We Don’t Need Marx to Face This Global Economic Crisis
Why and How to Lift the U.S. Embargo on Cuba
Bleak Future for Chrysler and GM
Preventing Post-Disaster Price Gouging Yields Devastating Results
An American Eccentric
Has a Stake Been Driven through Neo-Conservative Foreign Policy?
Tax Based on Mileage is Unfair, Ineffective
The IMF’s Gold Gambit
The fund’s misuse of bullion reserves is crucial to its plan to use the financial crisis to expand its power.
Bummer Day for California Women Politicos
Should the Cuban Embargo be Lifted?

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