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en Espanol Commentary Articles

American Realism and Engaging Syria
Peer Review and Scientific Consensus
America Needs a Foreign Policy sans Manichaeism
Getting Them Before They Get Us
Pakistan’s Thug
U.S. Requires a More Humble, Nuanced Foreign Policy
Another 9/11—in a Long Series
Mine Your Own Business
The Moral Poverty That “Self-Esteem” Requires War
Ruble Rumble
On the Road
Lessons from the Rubble
Iraq’s Last Best Hope?
The Carnage in Iraq—Past, Present, and Future
Back to Basics
Sophie Scholl: A Life of Courage
Latin America’s Global Players
Time for “Benign Neglect” in Mideast?
Murdoch Is No Threat to Democracy, but Media Protectionism Is
Government Blunders Create More Demand for Its Services
A New Oil Crisis? Not So Fast
The Politics of Bananas
The President Is Trying to Scare Us Again
Slaving Away for Uncle Sam
Turkey’s Crescent

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