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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Dr. Friedman Goes to South Africa
California’s COVID Economic Recovery Task Force Provides Political Cover but Little Else
What’s Wrong with Communism?
Federal Student Loans: A $435 Billion Miscalculation?
The Value Is in the Ideas
The Truth about NICS
A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy
We Must Put an End to the Imperial Presidency
Without Permissionless Innovation, Would We Really Love Rock & Roll?
In the Covid Era: Is American Military U. Better than Harvard?
Medical Supplies Are Too Important to Leave to a National Supply Commander
Are Temperatures and Ocean Levels Rising Dangerously? Not Really.
If Trump Were Serious about Making America Great Again, He Would Have Done This
The Democratic Party’s San Francisco Problem
California Is the World’s Tech Capital, Except for Its Government’s Lousy IT
Peru’s Crisis Shows the Deep Disconnect between Politicians and the People
A Chance to Take a Stand for Rules-Based Trade
Memo to Universities: The Public Dislikes Collegiate Racial Preferences
Scamocracy in America
How a Fraudulent Ruling Class Plundered Our Most Precious Inheritance.
Case for Mask Mandate Rests on Bad Data
Why Are Republicans Validating Voter Fraud?
Want to Reduce the Trade Deficit? Cut Government Spending.
Common Core and the Decline of History Education
Rays of Constitutional Rights Shine Through in California
Memo to Joe Biden: There Is NO ‘Free’ College

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