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en Espanol Commentary Articles

We Must Remember Our History of Freedom
Obamacare at Age Ten. Was It a Mistake?
We Got Housing Built after the 1906 Quake. We Can Do It Again. Here’s How.
Coronavirus Presents New Challenges and Opportunities to Higher Education
Bernie Sanders Should Take a Closer Look at Cuba’s Lack of Accomplishments
The Novel Coronavirus Can Kill Colleges as Well as People
Political Promises Won’t Lower Insulin Prices
The Flight to Quality in College Admissions
Daylight Saving Time: Ditch the Switch and Stop the Irrational Time-Change Regime
Paul Krugman Is Selling Snake Oil
Should We Tax English Majors but Subsidize Engineers?
Sanders Not Alone in Willful Ignorance of Communist Realities
On Collegiate Death and Dying
Dirty Secrets About the CLEAN Future Act
Impeachment Is Over; Now the Framers’ Vision Is in the Hands of the Voters
How Trump Can Reform the Health Care System Without Abolishing Obamacare
Trump Should Get Out of NATO Now, But Nicely
Time for Trump to End His Trade Wars
Are University Policy Experts Good for Society?
Ethical Hurdles to Combating Racially Biased Police Algorithms
What Is Socialism?
Trump vs. Democrats on Higher Education
Super Bowl LIV Socio-Economic Studies
The Dangers in Nationalizing Health Care
University Trustees Are Often Clueless: Does It Matter?

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