Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
6/7/2019 “Taxpayers Shouldn’t Get Stuck with a $1.5 Trillion Loan Default Tab” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times and other Tribune syndicated newspapers
6/7/2019 “How Congress Can Expand Americans’ Life-Starting Options Beyond College” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise cited in The Federalist
6/7/2019 “Student Loan Debt” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder appears on the Lars Larson radio show
6/6/2019 “Let’s Privatize State Colleges” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Minding the Campus
6/6/2019 “Newsom Ignores Real Problem Facing State’s Teachers: Living in California” Kristiana Bolzman, Catalyst Policy Fellow for the Independent Institute Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and other Southern California Newsgroup newspapers
6/6/2019 Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America speaks at the Texas Public Policy Foundation in Austin, TX on June 4, 2019
6/6/2019 “Markets Can Handle Climate Change” Sr. Fellow and Research Director William F. Shughart II Op-Ed in The Hill
6/4/2019 “As Trump Administration Considers Importing Drugs from Canada, Experts Analyze Risks, Benefits” Research Fellow and Director of, Raymond March cited on
6/4/2019 “Renowned Economist Offers More Than a Dozen Solutions for Fixing Higher Education” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America interviewed in The College Fix
6/3/2019 “Are Universities Increasingly Liars and Con Artists?” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
6/3/2019 “Why the Left Doesn’t Understand Health Care” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
5/31/2019 “Old-School Stats Neglect Digital Economy” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited in The Frontier Centre for Public Policy
5/31/2019 “Don’t Cry for Argentina, Yet” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Washington Times
5/31/2019 “Fixing Higher Education Starts with More Teaching and Less Research” Restoring the Promise by Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder is reviewed on The Federalist
5/31/2019 “With Some Help from a Great Economist, Would Thanos Have Had a Different Endgame?” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
5/30/2019 “College Conservatives Battle with the Suppression of Free Speech: 5 Outrageous Censorship Incidents” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise cited in Conservative Daily News
5/30/2019 “Semi-Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
5/30/2019 “Trump visit to UK” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency appears on CGTN TV
5/29/2019 “The Cost of Education Is Rising while the Cost of Info Drops” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure interviewed on The Mike Schikman Show on WSVA radio
5/29/2019 “Child Safety Accounts Could Offer Lifeline to Thousands of Students” Research Fellow Vicki Alger and Timothy Benson Op-ed in the Washington Examiner
5/29/2019 “We’re All ‘These People’ to Someone Else” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
5/28/2019 Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency appears on C-SPAN”s Washington Journal
5/28/2019 “Engineers Group Pushes California to Increase Gas Tax Again” Sr. Fellows William F. Shughart II and Lawrence McQuillan cited in The Epoch Times
5/28/2019 “Harvard Is an Embarrassment to American Higher Education” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
5/28/2019 “Does the State Care More About Tax Evasion than Murder?” Sr. Fellow Bruce L. Benson, author of The Enterprise of Law cited on The Libertarian Republic
5/28/2019 “I Left My Kids in the Car Alone for a Few Minutes. You Won’t Believe What Happened Next.” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in Forbes
5/26/2019 Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children appears on KVOI’s Liberty Watch Radio
5/24/2019 “A Parade of Imperial Presidencies” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The American Conservative
5/23/2019 “SAT’s Adversity Index: Academic Excellence or Socioeconomic Diversity?” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
5/23/2019 “Subpoenas and Threats—Democrats Are Doing It This Time; Republicans Have Done It in the Past” Research Fellow William J. Watkins Jr., author of Crossroads for Liberty Op-Ed in the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times and other Tribune Syndicated Newspapers
5/23/2019 “Millennials and Free Markets” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure appears on the Andy Caldwell radio show on KUHL
5/22/2019 “Presidential Power” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency appears on Good Morning Westchester on WVOX radio (NY)

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless