Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
10/9/2018 “Republicans Adopt a Health Care Vision” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
10/9/2018 “The Caring Society with Robert Whaples” Research Fellow Robert Whaples, editor of Pope Francis and the Caring Society interviewed on The Libertarian Christian Podcast
10/8/2018 “Tuition Innovations: Money Back Guarantees and ‘Free’ Tuition for Heavy Class Loads” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
10/8/2018 “The Damage Done by the Kavanaugh Hearings” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy cited on
10/8/2018 “Parkland High School Survivor Receives David & Goliath Award” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich mentioned in Ammoland
10/8/2018 “Saving Millennials from Socialism” Independent Institute Founder and President David Theroux appears on WVLK radio (KY)
10/6/2018 “Right-to-Try Legislation” Research Fellow Raymond March appears on the American Medicine Today radio show
10/4/2018 “For a Less Divided America, Let People Pick Their Own Laws” Sr. Fellow Bruce Benson, author of The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without the State cited on
10/3/2018 “Socialism’s Rebirth Among Millennials” Independent Institute Founder and President David Theroux appears on the Lars Larson radio show
10/3/2018 “Hacking Mosquitoes to Save Lives” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan Op-Ed in The Washington Times
10/3/2018 “A Revolution is Under Way in America” Independent Institute event mentioned in Tucker Carlson Op-Ed in The San Francisco Chronicle
10/2/2018 “Bring the Global Climate Action Summit Back to Earth” Independent Institute and Research Fellow Terry L. Gannon cited on PJ Media
10/2/2018 “Public Pensions Have Loaded Up on Risky Investments, Says Lawrence McQuillan” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming interviewed on Financial Sense radio show
10/2/2018 “Employers Could Slash Their Health Costs Overnight. So, Why Don’t They?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless Op-Ed in Forbes
10/1/2018 “The Public’s View: End College Racial Preferences” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
10/1/2018 “California Workers Triumph over Axis of Union and Government Goons” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Daily Caller
9/30/2018 “Due Process Reflects Human Nature and It is Our Best Chance for Fairness” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy Op-Ed in The Hill
9/28/2018 “25 Good History Reads” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France cited in World Magazine
9/28/2018 “The US is a Global Leader—and a Laggard—in Education Spending” Research Fellow Vicki Alger, author of Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner
9/28/2018 “VIDEO: ‘Gov’ is Back and He’s Here to Help” Independent Institute’s Love Gov YouTube series cited on
9/27/2018 “Lessons From the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill Hearings” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America Op-Ed in Town Hall
9/26/2018 “Stop Subsidizing Building in Flood—and Even Lava Flow—Zones” Research Fellow Adam Summers Op-Ed in The Orange County Register and other Southern California News Group newspapers
9/25/2018 “Are Food Stamps Really Reducing Labor Costs for Amazon?” Research Fellow Robert P. Murphy, author of Choice: Cooperation, Enterprise, and Human Action Op-Ed on
9/24/2018 “The Inconvenient Truth About Plastic Bans” Independent Institute briefing Plastic Pollution: Bans vs. Recycling Solutions cited in the Toronto Star
9/24/2018 “Let’s Make a Deal! New Approaches to Setting Tuition Fees” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of the forthcoming book Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
9/23/2018 “Strong Women Don’t Need the State to Get Them Corporate Board Seats” Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux Op-Ed on
9/23/2018 “Why is Anyone a Socialist?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice: Healthcare Solutions for America Op-Ed in Townhall
9/22/2018 “Capitalism Mitigates Natural Disasters” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in The Hill
9/21/2018 “Big Banks Bully Gun Owners” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France appears on the Lars Larson radio show
9/19/2018 “Just blame it on climate change” Independent Institute mentioned in The Chattanooga Times Free Press
9/19/2018 “Native Americans Realize Entrepreneurship Dream” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Lessons from the Poor cited in The Epoch Times
9/19/2018 “Lack of Revenue Hampers Lompoc City Services” California Dreaming by Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan quoted in Noozhawk (Lompoc, CA)

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