Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
7/9/2015 “‘All Flesh Is Grass’—The Memory of Richard Long” Restoring Free Speech and Liberty on Campus By Research Fellow Donald Downs is cited on Huffington Post
7/9/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on Insomniac Libertarian
7/9/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on The Freedom Watch
7/9/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on Tea Party—One Lump or Two?
7/9/2015 “It’s Time for America to Break Up with Big Government” Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on
7/8/2015 “What Should Republicans Be Doing About Obamacare?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of A Better Choice in Forbes
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on Kids Prefer Cheese blog
7/8/2015 World News posts Independent Institute’s Love Gov video series
7/8/2015 “Love Gov: A Satirical New Video Series For Millennials That Personifies Intrusive Government” Love Gov Video Series on Seattle Post-Intelligencer
7/8/2015 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming appears on Financial Sense
7/8/2015 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming appears on WTKF Radio in Greenville, NC
7/8/2015 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming appears on The Bill Martinez Radio Show
7/8/2015 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming appears on the Coffee and Markets radio show
7/8/2015 “How to Fix America’s Public Pension Crisis” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming in
7/8/2015 “In Love with Gov? Time to Break It Off” Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series on’s Anything Peaceful
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Reviewed on
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Reviewed on
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on 12160 blog
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series Featured on Kent’s Hooligan Libertarian Blog
7/8/2015 Love Gov recommended at De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum
7/8/2015 “Independent Institute releases ‘Love Gov: From First Date to Mandate’ series”: Love Gov recommended at Economic Collapse News
7/8/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov video series featured on blog
7/7/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov video series featured on Dailymotion blog
7/7/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov video series featured on Информационый видео портал
7/7/2015 Love Gov recommended at Scott’s Blog
7/7/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov recommended at The Liberty Caucus
7/7/2015 Love Gov posted at
7/7/2015 Love Gov posted at
7/7/2015 Independent Institute’s Love Gov Video Series featured on Peter Gordon’s Blog
7/7/2015 Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, author of California Dreaming appears on What’s Up Radio with Terry Lowry Radio Show on KKHT in Houston, KBXD in Dallas, and KTXW in Austin, TX

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