Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
2/25/2015 “The Office Of The National Coordinator of Health IT Does Not Need A 25 Percent Budget Hike” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
2/24/2015 Assyrian Christians Kidnapped by ISIS Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Canada’s CTV News
2/24/2015 “Answer To Krugman On Market Failure: Government Failure Is Worse” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
2/24/2015 “How Do You Spell ‘Fed’? D-U-I” Burt Abrams, Author of The Terrible 10 Op-Ed in Investor’s Business Daily
2/24/2015 “How To Cut the Number of Poor Families on Welfare” Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux interviewed on The Gil Gross Show on KKSF radio
2/24/2015 “Overlooked Black History” Securing Civil Rights By Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook reviewed in Insomniac Libertarian
2/23/2015 “Health Care Updates You Won’t Want To Miss II” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
2/23/2015 Gun Control in the Third Reich by Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook is reviewed in American Rifleman
2/23/2015 “The U.S. Government Is Making the Problem of Islamist Extremism Worse” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in Huffington Post
2/23/2015 “Obamacare’s Failures” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham appears on Larry Sanders USA radio show on KTRS
2/23/2015 “Lawmakers debate repeal of ‘welfare queen’ law in California” Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux interviewed on KPCC radio
2/23/2015 “California Senator Says ‘Welfare Queen’ Law Must Go” Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux quoted in The Sacramento Bee
2/21/2015 “American Foreign Policy: Has it Failed?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland interviewed on Blue Republican’s
2/20/2015 “Greece and Eurozone Agree on 4-Month Extension” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on Arise television
2/20/2015 Securing Civil Rights: Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, Updated Edition By Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook is reviewed in Books On The Move
2/19/2015 “Make College Free-Market, Not ‘Free’” Research Fellow Vicki Alger Op-Ed in McClatchy Syndicated Newspapers
2/19/2015 “Many Americans Grasp the Benefits of Exporting Crude Oil” Research Director William Shughart in Inside Sources
2/19/2015 “Into the Brave New World of Geo-engineering” Research Fellow Fred Singer Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/19/2015 “Should Employers Be Required To Provide Health Insurance To Their Employees?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
2/19/2015 “21st Century Cures: Waking Up Dormant Drug Therapies” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham Op-Ed in Forbes
2/19/2015 “Three Myths of Rape That Need Sunlight” Research Fellow Wendy McElroy Op-Ed in The Daily Bell
2/18/2015 “Do Not Go Gentle Into Obamacare; Good Health Should Burn And Rave At Close of Day” Sr. Fellow John R. Graham reviews Your Personal Affordable Care Act on Daily Caller
2/17/2015 “Krugman: Don’t Worry About Debt; We Owe It To Ourselves” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
2/17/2015 “Ron Paul Liberty Report—President’s Day Special” Ron Paul recommends Recarving Rushmore by Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland.
2/17/2015 “Three Great Presidents You Don’t Know” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Recarving Rushmore cited in
2/16/2015 “Freedom’s Presidents:Thinkers and scholars weigh in on Presidents’ Day” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of Recarving Rushmore in The Freeman
2/16/2015 “Excessive Presidential War Power” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
2/16/2015 “Defense Analyst Ivan Eland Discusses Ukraine Crisis” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland interviewed on CCTV
2/15/2015 “LAPD Targets Citizens’ Free Speech Rights” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan in California Political Review
2/14/2015 ”Wall Street altruism fueling low gas prices?“ Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in Washington Examiner
2/14/2015 “Legal Expert Stephen Halbrook: Gun Rights Are Human Rights” Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich cited in The Daily Caller
2/13/2015 “Beware The White Coat Syndrome: Lessons From California” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley in The Daily Caller

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless