Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
9/5/2013 “Paul Krugman is Wrong... Again” Sr. Fellow and author of Priceless John C. Goodman Op-Ed in Daily Reckoning
9/4/2013 “Expanding The Reach Of Think Tanks: The Growing Relevance Of Online Media” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless cited in Forbes
9/4/2013 “Military Action Against Syria: A Major Mistake In The Making?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appears on The Financial Survival Network
9/4/2013 “Longshoremen to Leave AFL-CIO Over ObamaCare Cadillac Tax” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in National Center for Policy Analysis blog
9/4/2013 “Immigration, Civilization and America” Sr. Fellow and author of Global Crossings Alvaro Vargas Llosa appears on WLRN Radio’s Tropical Currents show
9/4/2013 Review by Patrick Haynes of The Diversity Myth by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (HAYNESonFIRE)
9/3/2013 “Intervention in Syria” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland appears on America’s Radio News Network
9/3/2013 “The Legacy of Liberalism” Senior Fellow John C. Goodman in National Center for Policy Analysis
9/3/2013 “Stopping the growth of government” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan mentioned in National Business Review
9/3/2013 “Ronald Coase and Comparative Institutional Analysis” Research Fellow Peter J. Boettke in Economist Ronald Coase (1910-2013)
9/3/2013 “Immigration in America” Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings appears on Inside Track on KVOI-Tucson
9/3/2013 “Reinhardt on Why the Government Will Need More of Your Money” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
9/2/2013 Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings appears on The Dennis Miller Radio Show (paywall)
9/2/2013 C-SPAN2’s BookTV Featuring Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa Regarding His Independent Institute Book Global Crossings Re-Airs Sat., 9/2, 9:30 am ET
9/1/2013 “The NSA and Its “Compliance Problems”” Templeton Fellow Ben O’Neil in Market Oracle
8/31/2013 “Abolish Private Schools Or Why Britain Is Much More Left Wing Than America” Research Fellow Art Carden mentioned in Forbes
8/31/2013 “Creative Destruction: The Best Game In Town” Senior Fellow Robert Higgs in Eurasia Review
8/31/2013 “Lowman Henry with Alvaro Vargas Llosa on Immigration” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa appears on American Radio Journal with Lowman Henry
8/30/2013 “Why the $400B F-35 Fighter Is Not an Option for Syria” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler quoted in ABC
8/29/2013 “The U.S. Will Regret Intervention in Syria” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland Op-Ed in The Huffington Post
8/29/2013 “Syria and the Albright Syndrome” Sr. Fellow Charles Pena in The National Interest
8/29/2013 “ObamaCare Was Sold To American Voters On Deceptive Terms” John C. Goodman author of Priceless in Forbes
8/28/2013 “Will the U.S. get Dragged into a Civil War?” Senior Fellow Ivan Elan Interviewed on CTV
8/28/2013 “Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan?” Senior Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless mentioned in Forbes
8/28/2013 Financing Failure by Research Fellow Vern McKinley is reviewed in the Acton Institute’s Journal of Markets and Morality
8/28/2013 “Will ObamaCare Help or Hurt the Economy?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in National Center for Policy Analysis
8/28/2013 “Decentralize to Neutralize Turmoil in Middle East” Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in The Huffington Post
8/27/2013 “Counterproductive US War on Terror” Op-Ed by Senior Fellow Ivan Eland in Media With Conscience
8/27/2013 “Health and Higher Education” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
8/27/2013 “Sustainable Communities Undermines Property Rights” Senior Fellow Lawrence McQuillan interviewed on podcast
8/26/2013 “Let’s Throw Out “Capitalism”?” Research Fellow Art Carden mentioned in
8/26/2013 “Eielson becomes a contender as Air Force searches for home for F-35s” Research Fellow Winslow Wheeler quoted in The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

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