Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
1/28/2023 “Concentrate Where the Murders Are Concentrated” Research Fellow Gary Galles Op-Ed on
1/27/2023 “Socialism: A Grab-Bag of Superstitions” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
1/27/2023 “Calculating Inflation” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke interviewed on Mekameleen TV
1/27/2023 “Argentina can return to one to one with the dollar through the LATAM currency” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke interviewed on CriptoNoticias (Spanish)
1/26/2023 “What the Populists in Congress Get Right and Get Wrong” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War and the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in Prescott News and Inside Sources
1/25/2023 “Fed Takes Heat as Economists’ Consensus Points to 2023 US Recession” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke interviewed by CBN News
1/24/2023 “Was it worth it? America has suffered 300,000 NON-Covid excess deaths since 2020 — as experts blame lockdowns and delayed healthcare for spike in drug overdoses and firearm fatalities” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke quoted in The Daily Mail
1/24/2023 “A Dispatch from the Corporatized Dystopia: Bring on the Chains!” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
1/24/2023 “Government Failures at Home and Abroad” Sr. Fellow Christopher J. Coyne, author of In Search of Monsters to Destroy interviewed on The Shaun Thompson Show on WIND radio.
1/24/2023 “Addressing the Free-Market View of Immigration, Trade” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell interviewed on The Let People Prosper Show
1/23/2023 “Texas Conservatives Should Not Support Banning Land Sales to Foreigners” Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell Op-Ed in The Dallas Morning News
1/23/2023 “Debt Ceiling Kabuki: Republicans Will Cave and U.S. Government Finances Will Get Even Worse” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings Op-Ed in The Washington Times
1/22/2023 “Baby Killers: Criminals gun down six people, including a teenage mother and her 10-month-old child. Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom look the other way.” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
1/21/2023 “I Truly Miss the Clarity of the Great Robert Higgs: A Real Man of Freedom” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited on
1/20/2023 “Why Acting on ‘Hot Stock Tips’ Is a Good Way to Lose Money Fast” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed on
1/20/2023 “San Francisco Falls into the Abyss” Research Fellow Lee Ohanian Op-Ed in California on Your Mind
1/20/2023 “Yes, Twelve Dollars Is a Good Price for Two Batteries–Under the Right Conditions” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
1/20/2023 “Sado-Socialism Mounts a Surge: The Biden Junta targets the gas stoves of the people.” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
1/19/2023 “Alec Baldwin Shooting Charges” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook interviewed on The Dana Loesch radio show
1/18/2023 “It’s Time to Put a Brake on the Debt-Ceiling Charade” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke and Barry W. Poulson Op-Ed in National Review
1/18/2023 “The IMF and Sri Lanka Are Partners in Delusion” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke and Caleb Hofmann Op-Ed in National Review
1/17/2023 “The Garage Papers” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
1/17/2023 “Who Is ‘Accountable’ to Whom?” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed in American Institute for Economic Research
1/16/2023 “South Carolina Lawmakers Bear Responsibility for Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling” Research Fellow William J. Watkins, Jr., author of Crossroads for Liberty Op-Ed in FITS News
1/13/2023 “So Wrong So Long. CBS rings in the new year with serial doomsayer Paul Ehrlich.” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
1/11/2023 “Higher Education, Skyrocketing Tuitions, & the Student Debt Crisis” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise interviewed on The Learning Curve podcast
1/11/2023 “Does the U.S. Need to Contain China in Africa?” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland, author of War the Rogue Presidency Op-Ed in The National Interest
1/10/2023 “‘Belief in Freedom’ Is Bad for You” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in American Greatness
1/10/2023 “Dear Students: Here Are 10 Ways To Get Your Financial House In Order” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed on
1/9/2023 “Administrative Bloat Suffocates Higher Ed” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise cited on
1/9/2023 “How Japan Kept Inflation Rates Low” Sr. Fellow Steve Hanke and John Greenwood Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal
1/9/2023 “It’s important we don’t attribute lowered inflation to the Federal Reserve” Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton interviewed on CNBC’s Squawk Box

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless