Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
10/2/2007 Ivan Eland on how Iraq partitioning could work, in the Des Moines Register
10/2/2007 Robert Higgs cited in the Daily Colonial on national security spending
10/1/2007 “Schizophrenic U.S. Farm Policy,” by E. C. Pasour, Jr., and Randal R. Rucker (McClatchy Newspapers)
9/28/2007 Pasour and Rucker on U.S. farm policy, in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review
9/27/2007 Gabriel Roth on traffic congestion in the Detroit News
9/25/2007 Washington Times quotes Donald Downs on Ahmadinejad's speech at Columbia
9/24/2007 Ivan Eland in the Providence Journal on Bush's foreign policy blunders.
9/24/2007 Gabriel Roth on traffic congestion in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
9/21/2007 Leon Hadar discusses Syria on
9/18/2007 features Leon Hadar's new policy report
9/10/2007 Charles Peña in the Buffalo News on the CIA’s 9/11 report
9/2/2007 The Observer quotes Charles Peña on General Petraeus’s report.
9/1/2007 John Semmens in the Wall Street Journal, with a new approach to driver licensing. (Subscription needed for access.)
9/1/2007 Robert Higgs quoted on the U.S. defense budget in Aspen Times Weekly
8/28/2007 Ivan Eland in the Washington Times on the last hope for Iraq
8/27/2007 Electric Choices is recommended in the Wall Street Journal. (Subscription may be needed for access.)
8/23/2007 Leon Hadar recommends “benign neglect” in middle east, in the Daily Union.
8/22/2007 Depression, War, and Cold War cited in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.
8/22/2007 Pierre Lemieux on the Canadian/ American productivity gap, in the National Post.
8/20/2007 Leon Hadar recommends “benign neglect” in middle east, in the Reno Gazette-Journal.
8/16/2007 Alvara Vargas Llosa quoted in Bloomberg News on Chavez’s power grab.
8/14/2007 Leon Hadar recommends “benign neglect” in middle east, in the Columbia Tribune.
8/14/2007 Leon Hadar recommends “benign neglect” in middle east, in San Diego Union-Tribune.
8/9/2007 David Isenberg on the oil “crisis,” in Asia Times.
8/8/2007 Benjamin Powell on free-marketeers’ support of immigration, in the Financial Times.
8/8/2007 Leon Hadar quoted by Cybercast News Service, on Middle East conflicts.
8/4/2007 The Economist quotes Alex Tabarrok on borrowing.
8/2/2007 David Isenberg on contractors in Baghdad, in Asia Times.
8/2/2007 Plowshares and Pork Barrels quoted in the Charleston Gazette.
7/31/2007 Ivan Eland on partitioning Iraq, in The Hill.
7/28/2007 E.C. Pasour and Randal Rucker on ethanol, in the Modesto Bee.
7/27/2007 E.C. Pasour and Randal Rucker on ethanol, in the Salt Lake Tribune.

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