Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
5/6/2021 “Falling College Academic Standards: New Evidence” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
5/6/2021 “Restricting the Unvaccinated Sets a Dangerous Precedent” Research Fellow Abigail Devereaux Op-Ed in The Hill
5/6/2021 “Restricting the Unvaccinated Sets a Dangerous Precedent” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited in The Hill
5/5/2021 “Is This Our 1914 Moment?” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited in American Institute for Economic Research
5/5/2021 ““After the Revolution, You Will Like Going Camping!’ G.A. Cohen’s Camping Trip Reconsidered” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed on American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
5/5/2021 “SCOTUS’s New Second Amendment Case about More Than the Right to Carry” Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms interviewed on Bearing Arms
5/5/2021 “The Back Story of the CIA’s ‘Woke’ Recruiting Video” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Epoch Times
5/4/2021 “The Fed Board Agrees Never to Disagree” Sr. Fellow Judy Shelton Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal
5/4/2021 “The Essential James Buchanan” Sr. Fellow Randall G. Holcombe and Research Fellow Donald Boudreaux mentioned on Cafe Hayek
5/3/2021 “Freedom Becomes a Long-Haul COVID Victim” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs, author of Crisis and Leviathan cited in Reason
5/3/2021 “California’s COVID Failures” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan appears on The Andy Caldwell Show on KUHL radio in Santa Maria, CA.
5/3/2021 “Higher Ed and the Biden Agenda: Be Prepared to Become Disappointed” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
5/2/2021 “The overreach of Biden and the failures of Trump are making government fat” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs cited in The Dallas Morning News
5/2/2021 “The ‘Plantados,’ Cuba’s Immovable Heroes” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of The Che Guevara Myth and Global Crossings Op-Ed in National Review
5/1/2021 The Right to Bear Arms by Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, reviewed in The Volokh Conspiracy blog at
5/1/2021 “The American Rescue Plan: Limits of the Highly Visible” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs cited on
4/30/2021 “Biden Finally Acknowledges the Armenian Genocide and Ignores Communist Mass Murder in China and Cambodia” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Epoch Times
4/30/2021 “The Ideal Capital Gains Tax Rate: Zero” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of New Way to Care Op-Ed in Forbes
4/30/2021 “Supreme Court to Hear Second Amendment Case” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Founders’ Second Amendment and The Right to Bear Arms appears on the Lars Larson radio show.
4/30/2021 “Right to Carry Arms Case Headed to Supreme Court” Sr. Fellow Stephen Halbrook, author of The Founders’ Second Amendment and The Right to Bear Arms appears on The Steve Gruber radio show
4/29/2021 “Markets Help People Care for You without Caring about You” Research Fellow Art Carden Op-Ed on American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
4/29/2021 “Massive School Data Breach Shows We Need Better Privacy Policies” Sr. Fellow Williamson Evers and Research and Marketing Associate Jonathan Hofer Op-Ed in The Hill
4/28/2021 “SCOTUS Will Take Up a Major Second Amendment Case” Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms,The Founders’ Second Amendment, Gun Control in the Third Reich, and Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France appears on The Wilkow Majority on the Patriot Channel
4/28/2021 “Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Landmark Second Amendment Case. Here’s What You Need to Know” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs cited on
4/26/2021 “His Parting Gift” Hot Talk, Cold Science by Research Fellows Fred Singer, David Legates, and Anthony Lupo cited on PJ Media’s Instapundit
4/26/2021 “Planned Parenthood Distances Themselves from Margaret Sanger” Research Fellow Thomas Cargill appears on One America News Network
4/26/2021 “Can Biden Take Your Rights with the Stroke of a Pen?” Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook mentioned in America’s 1st Freedom
4/26/2021 “The Supreme Court Is Taking Up a Case That Could Impact Gun Rights for Millions” Sr. Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of The Right to Bear Arms mentioned in Time
4/26/2021 “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Purdue, Howard, and the U of Texas” Sr. Fellow Richard Vedder, author of Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America Op-Ed in Forbes
4/25/2021 “The Senator Nobody Voted for Has a Curious Plan for Joe Biden’s America” Policy Fellow Lloyd Billingsley Op-Ed in The Epoch Times
4/24/2021 “Why Would a 50-Year-Old Want To Join Medicare?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of New Way to Care Op-Ed in Forbes
4/23/2021 “Planned Parenthood Cancels Margaret Sanger” Research Fellow Thomas Cargill appears on SiriusXM radio’s Stacy on the Right show

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless