The case for national standards rests in part on the need to remedy the inconsistent purposes and inferior quality of many state standards and tests in order to equalize academic expectations for all students. The argument also addresses the urgent need to increase academic achievement for all students.
National Standards Still Dont Make the Grade
Originally published on Thu. July 1, 2010
Sandra Stotsky is professor emerita in the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas.
Kathleen Madigan is Senior Research Scientist for AccountabilityWorks in Washington, D.C.
Zeev Wurman (19502023) was a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, co-author of the Open Letter to Replace the Proposed New California Math Curriculum Framework, Chief Software Architect with MonolithIC 3D Inc., and former senior policy adviser with the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development at the U.S. Department of Education.
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