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Volume 27, Issue 21: May 21, 2024

Christopher J. Coyne and Abigail R. Hall (The Hill)
Clearly, it is exceptionally difficult for many in the US to rise above the fog of war and look to peaceful alternatives to the victor-crippling savagery of armed conflict. Afghanistan, Ukraine, the Middle East.... When will we learn? READ MORE »

Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Beacon)
Yes, in early June the nationalist, protectionist European right will make headway in the elections to the Strasbourg-based European parliament—but far less than the media think. Yet a question looms. When the mainstream parties can’t deliver even a semblance of prosperity, which way will the growing number of Eurosceptics turn? READ MORE »

Scott Beyer (Catalyst)
It’s an article of faith that traffic signs and signals keep pedestrians and everybody else safe. Yet the evidence is that government road-ornaments do just the reverse. And create congestion. And raise costs. Alternatives? READ MORE »

Randall G. Holcombe (The Beacon)
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the year-over-year inflation rate in April 2024 was 3.4%. That has caused some to be optimistic that the Fed will lower interest rates later this year. Don’t hold your breath.... READ MORE »

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless