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Volume 27, Issue 25: June 19, 2024

Lawrence J. McQuillan (The Beacon)
The myths? There are a lot of them—each a violation of those individual rights. How do we actually best secure those? Private property, the first right of all, just might have something to do with it... READ MORE »

Raymond J. March (The Beacon)
Great question. Foodborne illnesses have decreased, after all, since 2009. Much of the problem boils down to incentives. Care to guess what incentives the bureaucracy known as the FDA works under? READ MORE »

Jonathan Hofer (The Beacon)
The proposed American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) offers a one-size-fits-all national privacy standard that entices some. But this cure will be worse than the disease. By overriding state laws, APRA could eliminate some very effective privacy protections the various states have recently enacted. READ MORE »

Lee H. Ohanian (California on Your Mind)
He certainly needs to. Thanks to high gas taxes and suffocating regulations, California’s gas prices are skyrocketing. But Newsom is fixing to make the situation even worse. The details will shock you. READ MORE »

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  • Beyond Homeless