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Volume 27, Issue 28: July 9, 2024

Richard K. Vedder (Minding the Campus)
The ruling may help turn the tide on campuses. It weakens the standing of federal agency-promulgated “gainful employment” rules, “dear colleague letters” from the Obama era, and student loan forgiveness schemes. Will the courts now have greater ability to block outrageous administrative fatwas in higher ed? READ MORE »

Christopher J. Coyne, Abigail R. Hall (Libertarian Institute)
Each year on Independence Day, we see patriotic displays everywhere—U.S. flags, red, white, and blue clothing, patriotic décor, and more. But, as we celebrate, we should ever keep in mind the wise saying of James Madison: “No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” READ MORE »

Art Carden (AIER)
Minimum wages and workplace regulations protect some people, alright—but not the workers. Such rules protect anyone who provides cost-saving substitutes for government-manipulated labor prices—those, for instance, who make automated kiosks. Will the progressive left ever learn? READ MORE »

The Two Moralities of the Minimum Wage
The Independent Review, Summer 2014

Lee Ohanian (California on Your Mind)
Gavin Newsom said the “poisonous populisms of the right” are bringing “darkness” and “destruction” that are “threatening the very foundation of California’s success”—this in a state where Democrats perennially control the legislature and every statewide office. Newsom does see one bright spot: “California is not a high-tax state.” Yes, he really said that. READ MORE »

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless