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Volume 27, Issue 34: August 21, 2024

Kristian Fors (Catalyst)
The American tax code extends far beyond its borders and applies to Americans living abroad, even those who haven't set foot in the United States for decades. It's beyond time to end double taxation and let expats live without Uncle Sam’s hand in their wallets. READ MORE »

Death and Taxes
The Independent Review, Fall 1997

Alexandre Padilla, Chandler Reilly
Democratic nominee Kamala Harris says her administration would take on grocery store “price gouging.” Grocery bills are indeed climbing, but Harris’ proposal would surely backfire, just as all price control measures have, leaving empty store shelves in its wake. READ MORE »

Abigail Devereaux (The Hill)
Amid a growing doctor shortage throughout the nation, states should follow Tennessee’s example of removing redundant requirements for foreign doctors. READ MORE »

Phillip W. Magness
Famed economist and political activist Joseph Stiglitz accuses free-market thinkers of paving the way for authoritarianism, but his historic praise for Venezuela’s Chavez is ironic hypocrisy. Instead of criticizing repressive regimes, Stiglitz lends legitimacy to their policies. READ MORE »

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless