William M. Briggs received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences and M.S. in Atmospheric Physics from Cornell University, and his B.S. in Meteorology and Mathematics from Central Michigan University. He has served as Professor of Statistics at the Cornell University Medical School, Visiting Professor of Mathematics at Central Michigan University, Research Scientist at New York Methodist Hospital, Statistician at DoubleClick, Meteorologist with the National Weather Service, and Cryptologist for the U.S. Air Force.
He is the author of the books, Uncertainty: The Soul of Modeling, Probability & Statistics; Breaking the Law of Averages: Real Life Probability and Statistics in Plain English; and So You Think Youre Psychic? He is the author of over 90 scholarly articles that have appeared in such journal as Science Bulletin; Science and Education; Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons; European Journal of Food and Feed Law; Significance; Water, Air, & Soil Pollution; Journal Computational and Graphical Statistics; BMC Bioinformatic; International Journal of Power and Energy Systems; Journal of Climate; Biometrics; Journal of the American Statistical Association; Monthly Weather Review; and Journal of Geophysical Research.