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- Consecuencias: Latin America Uncovered (4-part National Geographic documentary produced in Spanish for distribution in Latin America and Spain and translated into Portuguese for distribution in Portugal and Brazil), hosted by Alvaro Vargas Llosa, October 22, 2008
Related Websites
- El Instituto Independiente (Spanish website)
- El Independent (Spanish blog)
- Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization, and America, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- Lecciones de los Pobres: El triunfo del espíritu emprendedor, edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa, with a foreword by James D. Gwartney (Spanish translation of Lessons from the Poor)
- Vietnam Rising: Culture and Change in Asia's Tiger Cub, by William Ratliff
- Lessons from the Poor: Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit, edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa, with a foreword by James Gwartney
- Making Poor Nations Rich: Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development, edited by Benjamin Powell, with a foreword by Deepak Lal
- The Che Guevara Myth: And the Future of Liberty, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- Liberty for Latin America: How to Undo Five Hundred Years of State Oppression, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- Rumbo a la Libertad, by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
- A Poverty of Reason: Sustainable Development and Economic Growth, by Wilfred Beckerman
- Money and the Nation State: The Financial Revolution, Government and the World Monetary System, edited by Kevin Dowd and Richard H. Timberlake, Jr., with a foreword by Merton H. Miller
- The Capitalist Revolution in Latin America, by Karen LaFollette Araujo and Paul Craig Roberts, with a foreword by Peter T. Bauer
- Alienation and the Soviet Economy: The Collapse of the Socialist Era, edited by Paul Craig Roberts, with a foreword by Aaron B. Wildavsky
- Articles by Enrico Colombatto
- Articles by Gabriel Gasave
- Articles by John R. Hanson II
- Articles by Carlos Alberto Montaner
- Articles by James L. Payne
- Articles by Svetozar Pejovich
- Articles by Benjamin Powell
- Articles by William Ratliff
- Articles by Matt E. Ryan
- Articles by Carlos Sabino
- Articles by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
Case Study
News Releases
- Venezuelan Authorities Detain Alvaro Vargas Llosa and Others Attending Pro-Liberty Forum, May 27, 2009
- What Must Vietnam Do to Join the Asian Tigers? New Book Examines the Country’s Cultural and Political Past, Charts Path for its Future, November 10, 2008
- Spanish-language Blog El Independent Receives One Millionth Visitor, September 12, 2008
- Independent Institute to Honor Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Andy Garcia, and William K. Bowes, Jr. at A Gala for Liberty in San Francisco, August 25, 2008
- From Peru to Nigeria, Entrepreneurs are Battling Poverty: Lessons from the Poor Examines Success Stories from Around the World, May 30, 2008
- Independent Institute Wins Seventh Sir Antony Fisher Award: Street Smart, Gabriel Roth’s Path-Breaking Book on Market-Based Roads, Praised as Rigorous, Superb, Highly Readable, and Intellectually Independent, April 25, 2008
- Economists Propose Proven Strategies for Eradicating Poverty, November 14, 2007
- Alvaro Vargas Llosa Wins First Annual Juan Bautista Alberdi Award, November 8, 2006
- 500-Plus Economists Sign Open Letter Reminding President Bush of the Benefits of Immigration: Immigration: “The Greatest Anti-Poverty Program Ever Devised”, June 19, 2006
- May 1st Immigrant Boycott Aims to Push Congress to Act: Economist Ben Powell Says Immigration Benefits U.S. Economy, April 28, 2006
- Independent Institute Announces New Center on Global Prosperity to Create Enterprise-Based Solutions to Poverty, May 23, 2005
Other Resources (archives of articles and studies)
- Diplomacy and Foreign Aid
- International Economic History and Development
- Trade
- Latin America
- Economy