Issue: Science and Public Policy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 322 Results.

From Solzhenitsyn to US Governors: No Lessons Learned
The government’s pandemic regime reflected an authoritarian mindset more than good policy.
Javier Milei Shows Newsom and Biden How It’s Done
Anthony Fauci Tells Columbia Medical Students to Lie Just Like Him
They would do better to follow the rule of “first do no harm.”
Global Climate Battle Comes to California
Newsom Believes the Globe Is Getting Hotter Even as California Freezes
Pro-abortion governor heads to the Vatican for a ‘climate resilience’ conference.
‘Misinformation’ Is the Censors’ Excuse
They kneecap free-speech advocates by portraying them as defenders of lies.
Fauci and His Minions Are Still in Control
The time has come to hold Dr. Fauci and his cronies accountable for damages from the Covid pandemic.
Covid Lessons Learned, Four Years Later
Mandatory lockdowns had almost no benefit—but did significant economic and health-related damage.
Harvard Tramples the Truth
When it came to debating Covid lockdowns, Veritas wasn’t the university’s guiding principle.
No Policy Consequences Are ‘Unintended’

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless