Issue: Economists

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 41 - 50 of 630 Results.

Russian Self-Destruction Helps America
Putin has gone from a flirtation with free-market capitalism to increasingly authoritarian kleptomania.
The Middleman Is a Public Servant
Tilting at Antitrust Windmills: Department of Justice Sues Apple
The DOJ ignores consumers’ choices in favor of indulging the preferences of bureaucrats.
Look with Two “I”s
To Have and Withhold: The IRS Gets Your Money Before You Do
The IRS should end withholding as a good first step toward trimming the power of the federal government.
Malthus Reversed: The Birth Dearth and Our Future
The new threat to human well-being is a shrinking population, not a growing one.
20th Century Ideology, Modern Mixed Economies
Slavery Revisited: Time on the Cross at 50
Trump’s Tariff Talk Proves Bad Economics Can Be Good Politics
Too Much: Three First World Problems

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless