The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Tue. January 7, 2014

Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland appeared on CCTV discussing the potential for success in new Mid East peace negotiations. With Egypt and Syria in turmoil, Israel might feel more secure than usual, but with Iran's sword rattling, the region is volatile.

Posted: Mon. January 6, 2014

What will the economy be like in the New Year? Sr. Fellow Benjamin Powell appears on Fox Business Network's "The Independents" show to give his impressions of the deficit, bureaucracies, and economic recovery. Powell talks about long term trends and says Big Government policies are effecting the outlook and the "New Normal" in the economy.

Posted: Thu. January 2, 2014

Independent Institute Founder and President, David J. Theroux discusses libertarianism, politics, and today's youth with host Gary Franchi on the Next News Network.

Posted: Mon. December 30, 2013

Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich, appeared on The What's Up Radio Program with Terry Lowry. Halbrook discusses the lead up to the disarming of Jews and other "Enemies of the State" by the Nazi party.

Posted: Thu. December 19, 2013

Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of Gun Control in the Third Reich, appeared on The Peter Boyles radio show on KNUS in Colorado. Halbrook, who is also a Second Amendment attorney speaks of the history of liberty in this country compared to Europe in the 1930s. The author provides historical perspective on the events leading up to the confiscation of guns from German Jews and other so called "Enemies of the State."

Posted: Wed. December 18, 2013

Senior Research Fellow Robert Higgs joins radio host Tom Woods for a wide-ranging discussion including the U.S. economy and World War II. Check out some of Robert Higgs’ books mentioned on the program.

Posted: Wed. December 11, 2013

Independent Institute Founder and President, David J. Theroux discusses libertarianism and gives liberty-based perspectives on current events with host Bob Weeks on WichitaLiberty.TV.

Posted: Tue. December 10, 2013

Gun Control in the Third Reich author and Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook appeared on the Larry Elder radio show to discuss his new book. Halbrook talks about the events leading up to Kristallnacht in Germany, where Jews and other "Enemies of the State" had their firearms confiscated by the Nazi party. The Nazis knew exactly who had weapons, because the former government of the Weimar Republic required guns to be registered.