The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Tue. January 10, 2012

Research Fellow Vern McKinley Interviewed on The KCMO Morning Show by Greg Knapp on his new book Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts

Posted: Mon. January 9, 2012

Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell on Freedom Watch discusses Federal youth summer jobs funding and consumer banking problems.

Posted: Wed. January 4, 2012

Ivan Eland on RT discusses cyber threats after the downing of the U.S. military drone by Iran.

Posted: Wed. January 4, 2012

Full Video of The Independent Institute’s 2011 25th Anniversary Gala for Liberty held November 15, 2011.
Part 1: Introductory Remarks and Tribute to Robert Higgs
Part 2: Tribute to Mario Vargas Llosa
Part 3: History of The Independent Institute and Fund for the Future
Part 4: Tribute to Lech Walesa
Part 5: Special Tributes, Sponsors, and Credits

Posted: Thu. December 29, 2011

Benjamin Powell engages with Tracy Byrnes on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch on the style of presidential candidates and SEC legal expenses to be paid by taxpayers.

Posted: Wed. December 21, 2011

Benjamin Powell engages with Tracy Byrnes on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch on Government consumer safety videos and the enforcement of media piracy laws.

Posted: Fri. December 16, 2011

Fill-in host Tom Woods on the Peter Schiff Radio Show interviews Senior Fellow Robert Higgs. They discuss the history of government economic interventions during the Great Depression and World War II and how those lessons apply today. Check out some of Robert Higgs’ books mentioned on the program.

Posted: Thu. December 15, 2011

Vern McKinley, author of Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts discusses the current fiscal crisis in Europe. Recorded in English and Chinese at SOH Radio.