The Power of Independent Thinking

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Showing 1241 - 1248 of 1,442 Results
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Posted: Mon. April 23, 2012

Alexander Tabarrok, Research Director at the Independent Institute, speaks with Alyona Minkovski of RT's "The Alyona Show" on increasing criminal justice fees applied to those convicted or charged of a crime and time served due to debt.

Posted: Wed. April 18, 2012

Ivan Eland, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute discusses the US Military base expansion to Australia on RT.

Posted: Tue. April 17, 2012

Vern McKinley, Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, speaks with James Freeman, WSJ Assistant Editorial Page Editor on Fed Chairman Bernanke's views regarding the financial bailout interventions.

Posted: Tue. March 20, 2012

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland discusses US presence and military intentions in the wake of Drone strike casualties in Pakistan on GBTV's Real News from the Blaze.

Posted: Tue. March 13, 2012

Research Fellow Art Carden talks about the regulation of sugar and corn syrup subsidies with Tom Ashbrook on WBUR Boston.

Posted: Tue. February 28, 2012

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland on RT’s Crosstalk discussing the plight and future of Syria.

Posted: Tue. February 28, 2012

Senior Fellow Ivan Eland on RT discussing the paradoxical relationship between the US and China.

Posted: Fri. February 24, 2012

Research Fellow Vern McKinley interviewed on the show African American Conservatives by host Marie Stroughter on his new book Financing Failure: A Century of Bailouts