The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

For more than a century U.S. foreign policy—whether conducted by Democrats or Republicans—has been based on the assumption that Americans’ interests are served best by intervening abroad to secure markets, fight potential enemies far from American shores, or engage in “democratic nation building.” But, what is the record of such policies, including now in Iraq?

Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

For decades, efforts to end world poverty have focused on redistributing wealth, rather than creating it. This approach, however, has done little to foster long-term economic progress in Africa.

Posted: Wed. June 6, 2012

Is it possible that the U.S. government’s response to the 9/11 attacks has served al-Qaeda interests? Despite the hype, U.S. law-enforcement officials have found little evidence of serious terrorist activities inside the country, compelling them to escalate their use of prosecution and entrapment to justify their enormous budgets.

Posted: Tue. June 5, 2012

Ivan Eland, Independent Institute Senior Fellow, discusses America's waning as a soft power with Peter Lavelle on RT's CrossTalk.

Posted: Mon. June 4, 2012

Research Fellow Peter J. Boettke interviewed by Luis Figueroa of UFM on his journey as a free-market economics teacher and on his new book Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Posted: Fri. June 1, 2012

Research Fellow Peter J. Boettke interviewed by Jeffrey Tucker of Laissez Faire Books and Club on his new book Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Posted: Wed. May 30, 2012

Ivan Eland, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute, discusses Bahraini opposition to Saudi-Bahrain merger plan on English Radio.

Posted: Wed. May 30, 2012

Research Fellow Peter J. Boettke interviewed on Kosmos by host Jeanne Hoffman on his new book Living Economics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow