The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Thu. February 28, 2019, 1:18pm PT

The CA Legislative Analyst’s Office predicts the $3.9 billion Motor Vehicle Account, which primarily funds the California Highway Patrol and DMV, will collapse in a few years. Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, director of the California Golden Fleece® Award discusses problems at the DMV as well as solutions to the current financial and customer service issues facing the CA DMV.

Posted: Tue. February 26, 2019, 12:50pm PT

California Governor Gavin Newsom says the state will not finish the over-budget high speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan, creator of the California Golden Fleece® Award lays out how the state got in to the high speed rail mess. He also talks about his book California Dreaming and the public pension crisis in California.

Posted: Mon. February 25, 2019, 4:14pm PT

Sr. Vice President Mary Theroux appears on the Chip Franklin show on KGO radio to talk about her recent Op-Ed in the San Francisco Chronicle about the housing crisis in San Francisco. Mary rebuts the argument by Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff who feels the tech industry is to blame for overpriced housing and rampant homelessness in San Francisco. She says government policy and regulations are the cause of the housing issues in San Francisco.

Posted: Fri. February 22, 2019, 10:27am PT

Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland talked about President Trump’s use of executive power in his efforts for a U.S.-Mexico border wall and how presidents have used executive power in the past.

Posted: Tue. February 12, 2019, 5:08pm PT

California's Department of Motor Vehicles is in crisis. Lines can wrap around DMV offices and customers can wait up to 6 or 7 hours for basic services. Lawrence McQuillan's recent California Golden Fleece® Award exposes the incompetence at the DMV and offers solutions that can help alleviate the upcoming October 1, 2020 deadline for 23 million Californians to get a Real ID at the DMV if they are to board an airplane without their passport.

Posted: Tue. February 12, 2019, 3:12pm PT

Before October 2020, another 23 million Californians have to get a federally-mandated Real ID in order to board a plane without a passport. Lines are already long at DMV offices throughout the state, so the extra burden will likely make the situation worse unless drastic reforms are taken by California. Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan lays out the steps outlined in his California Golden Fleece® Award

Posted: Mon. February 11, 2019, 5:12pm PT

Market reforms are needed to make California's DMV more efficient for customers. Lawrence McQuillan, director of the California Golden Fleece® Award talks with hosts John and Ken about his recommendations for the state's Department of Motor Vehicles. Competition for services would benefit the 23 million California drivers who need to acquire a Real ID card before October 2020, says McQuillan.

Posted: Thu. January 31, 2019, 4:17pm PT

Senior Fellow Richard K. Vedder is interviewed on the Journal Editorial Report by Paul Gigot on why the "Free College" proposal by Democrats is hypocritical and harmful. Dr. Vedder is author of the forthcoming Independent Institute book, Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America.