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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Congressional Budget Office’s Rose-Colored, Short-Sighted View of Obamacare Spending
Why Is Obamacare Such a Mess? There Was No Adult in the Room When It Passed
How Much Does Discrimination Matter?
The Pope Should Read Public-Choice Theory
Confronting the bureaucracy of the curia, he diagnoses ills that political scientists have long studied
Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God
Under Obamacare, Will America Keep Winning the War on Cancer?
Global Climate Policy after Lima
Obamacare Enrollments Slow to a Trickle
State of the Union: Debt, Debt, and More Debt
White House Methane Madness
Why Don’t Republicans Have an Alternative to Obamacare?
Exit, Voice, Loyalty—and the Common Core
A Second, Even More Unjustifiable Episode of Government Collection of Phone Records
The EPA’s “Carbon Rule” Ignores Nuclear Power
Paul Krugman Rejected by His Peers
Exclusive Interview: William J. Watkins, Jr.
Our Patent Mess and the Misery of Its ‘Trolls’
Civil Rights Are Too Important to Leave to Special-Interest Advocates
Just About Everybody in Health Care Is Ripping Off the Government
The Proofiness of the Politically Correct Rape
Education’s No Dollar Left Behind Competition
K-12 Spending Has Little Bearing on Student Success, Yet State Rankings Drive the Money Scramble
Saturation Media Coverage of the Paris Terrorist Attacks Is Unhelpful
Two Views of Capitalism
The Brain Drain, Gain and Retain
How ObamaCare Harms Low-Income Workers
Victims Frantically Search for Offense

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