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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Lessons from Gun Control in the Third Reich
End the Surveillance State!
How Can Digital Health Startups Work with Health Insurers and Big Pharma?
Democrats’ Dilemma
In Defense of Jon Gruber
A Republican Alternative to Obamacare
Is Obamacare Working?
Liberalism in Crisis
Bye, Bye “Bailout”: CROmnibus Takes a Small but Important Bite out of Obamacare
Is Challenging ‘Rape Culture’ Claims an Idea Too Dangerous for University Students?
Fifty Years After King’s Peace Prize Speech, Much Remains to Be Done
Jeff Bezos and Amazon Should Be a Hero to Progressives
The China Climate Accord: A Bad Deal for the US
Obamacare’s Impossible Challenge: Why You Can’t Make a Smart Choice Among Dozens of Health Insurance Plans
Obama’s Two-Front War on Kids
Why the Democrats Lost the Election: Obamacare
What Do Health Care and Global Warming Have in Common?
Health Reform Without Deception
Why Can’t You Have Health Insurance That Travels from Job to Job? Answer: Obamacare
What’s Wrong With Our Health Care Safety Net?
Confronting the C-Word
Who Suffers? Race Riots, Then and Now
Gun Control Measures Hazardous for Citizens
Obamacare’s Gift to Big Business: The Largest Firms Can Offer the Skimpiest Health Plans
Needed: Accurate Climate Forecasts
Focusing on carbon dioxide (because that’s where the money is) threatens forecasts, and lives.

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