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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Troop Surge in Afghanistan a Losing Investment
Enduring Legacy of Prohibition
Pay for the War, or Just Call It Off?
Taking the Wind Out of Energy
Obama’s Wrong Road in Afghanistan
The Strange Case of Dr. Lula and Mr. Chávez
Government Terrorism Lists Are a Holiday Turkey
Brazilian Hubris
Joint Strike Fighter: We Were Told This Would Happen
Go with the Savvy Investors
Government Needs to Loosen Grip on Insurers
The Unitary Executive: Presidential Power from Washington to Bush
Civilian Trials for 9/11 Suspects Aren’t Enough
Time to Support Honduras’ Elections
Hiding Debt Just a Juggling Trick
The Fed’s Woody Allen Policy
Efforts to stoke a recovery may be creating new asset bubbles in equities and elsewhere.
Tactical Air’s Gloomy Future
Why Most Counterinsurgency Wars Fail
Warren Buffett’s Testament
Faulty Dichotomies: Fort Hood and Reverse Racism
The Pentagon’s Black Hole
Bay Bridge Holds a Lesson for Health Care Reform
Past Time to Privatize Bridge Replace
Put an End to Maximum-Wage Foolishness
Get Out of Afghanistan

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