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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Medical Innovation—Not Government—Can Ease the Pain of Opioid Abuse
Global Warming and Peer Review
Cal Fire Must Prioritize Prevention
The Russian Revolution and Terror of Marxism-Leninism
Only Amazon Wins
What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen in Proposals to Ban Internal-Combustion Engines in California
Happy World Development Information Day!
One Step Closer to Making Tax Reform a Reality
Spain Should Let the Catalans Decide Their Own Future
Macron’s Reforms are Key to France’s Leadership in Europe
Trump Should Cut Spending, Not Taxes—at Least Not Yet
No: Gun Control Laws Won’t Stop Las Vegas-type Massacres
Can Donald Trump Cut a Deal with Democrats on Health Care? Maybe.
The Jones Act Must Be Repealed
Lawsuits Endanger Google, and by Extension Harm All of Us
ANWR’s Oil Reserves Are Too Important to Keep in the Ground
Woodpeckers for Sound Money
The Fed doesn’t need a ‘hawk’ or a ‘dove,’ but someone to hammer away for the dollar’s integrity.
National Defense Authorization Act Should Not Be Sacrosanct
The True Lie of ‘American Made’
Trump’s Chance to Reform the Fed
How Graham-Cassidy Could Give Texans Better Health Insurance at Lower Costs
Faulty Federal Flood Insurance Program Exposed by This Year’s Storms
Should Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Rescind Obama-era Guidelines on Campus Sexual Assault Enforcement?
Yes: Time to End Kangaroo Court Tribunals
Ten Reasons Why Every State Should Welcome the Graham/Cassidy/Heller/Johnson Health Reform Bill
Dodging the Hard Question on Economic Mobility

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless