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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Review: Steve Poizner on His Year Teaching at a San Jose High School
Iraq: Controlled Devolution or Uncontrolled Disintegration
License to Oppress
Today’s Census No Longer Just Counts People
Did Locke Really Justify Limited Government?
Anti-Populists Made America Great?
Mr. Obama and the Bankers: “Doin’ What Comes Natur’lly”
The Census: Vehicle for Social Engineering
Freedom for What?
To the Tea Party: War and Liberty Aren’t Fellow Travelers
‘South Park’ and Self-Censorship
The Consequences of Unextending Unemployment Benefits
New Religion of Environmentalism
Should U.S. Be More Involved in Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Process’?
Fabulous Fab
Environmentalism Is the New Secular Religion
Obama’s Nuclear Achievements: Less Than Meets the Eye
The Publishers’ Bogeyman
Still More F-35 Cost Growth to Come
State’s Tentacles Choke Freedom at Every Turn
Let’s Get Our Own Foreign Policy House in Order Before Criticizing Others
PIGS and Euros
When Greeks Bear Gifts: On Economy, Philosophy and Freedom
Does the U.S. Government Understand the Terrorist Threat?
Cuba’s True Martyrs

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