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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Assessing the Iraq War
Newsprint Matters
The Costs of the Federal Bailouts
Will Chávez Steal Parliamentary Elections?
Curbing Over-Indulgent Government
Brazil’s Third World Dilemma
The Possible Prosecution of WikiLeaks
Histrionics Over the Mosque: Symbolism Crowds Out Reality
The Surprising Mr. Cameron
Nationalizing Marriage
Judges don’t get to decide if a law is ‘asinine’
Cities Can’t Give In To Protection Racket
Playing the Presidential Race Card
“We’re Hosting No Government Officials as Part of This”
COIN Thinking on a Larger Scale Might Work
Converting Military Restraint in Wars into an Effective National Strategy
The Cordoba House Symbol
The Renewable Electricity Standard Is a Hoax, a Fraud, and a Rip-Off
What to Do About the Wars
Bullfights – The Beginning of the End?
Here’s One Way States Can Create Jobs
Stagnant Private Sector
The Main Effects of the WikiLeaks Documents Are Political
Venezuela’s Smoking Gun
Crushing Oil Companies and Their Workers
Democrats want to double down on oil-firm income taxes
How California Can Improve Its Plunging Graduation Rates
Preventing Another Deepwater Disaster

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