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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Does Xi Jinping’s Power Grab in China Have a Silver Lining for the World?
To Protect the Environment, Pope Francis Should Look to Free Markets
The Right Time for Housing Affordability in California
Why Putin’s Reelection Is Guaranteed
Trump’s Tariffs Won’t Kill U.S. Jobs. They’ll Create the Wrong Ones
Pope Francis Has it Wrong on Global Poverty and Its Cure
During College Basketball’s March Madness, Everyone Wins Big Except the Athletes
Turn Back the Clock on Daylight Saving Time
Understanding the Artificial and Natural Barriers to Economic Mobility
How the Pope and President Could Work Together to Help Immigrants
Inflation Is Going to Climb, but Could New Fed Chief Make It Worse?
A Gas Tax Hike Is the Wrong Way to Fund Highways
The Pope Bows to Beijing
Blame for Parkland Rests with Local School Officials and FBI Ineptitude
Repeal the Second Amendment?
‘The Post’ Makes the Case for a Free and Independent Press
NRA’s Support for the National Instant Criminal Background System
Fact Checking the Fact Checker
This Texas Law Hinders Free Speech
Talking with North Korea Can’t Hurt
Tolls Can Fund Infrastructure and Reduce Congestion
The Trillion Dollar Surprise in the Budget Deal
Wait—Is it Possible to Have Too Much Schooling?
Right-to-Try Laws the Right Way to Save More Lives
Trade Restrictions Only Serve to Counteract Tax Cuts and Deregulation
Jeremy Bentham and the Judges

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