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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Second Amendment Is Here to Stay
Is Tenure Dying? Does It Matter?
What Universities Need: More Skin in the Game
Reaming Owners and Other Renters with Rent Control
What’s Missing from Condoleezza Rice’s Report on College Basketball
How Republicans Can Fix What Democrats Got Wrong on Health Care
What Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged Teaches Us about the Insufficiency of Good Intentions
The Constitution v. Court Precedent
Lessons for Millennials from Cuba’s New Leader
How Should We Think about Public Policy Proposals? Government-By-Unicorn
A New Hearing for a Convicted Double Murderer Because of Proposition 57 is ‘So Wrong’
Why Universities Run Like Medieval Manors
Tariffs Are Bad Policy
The Invisible Hand Brings Me Almonds
If Democracy Is in ‘Crisis,’ We Should Turn to the Marketplace
Russia’s ‘Keep It in the Ground’ Ploy to Stifle American Oil
On the 19th Anniversary of Columbine—Child Safety Accounts: Protecting Our Children with Freedom
Reforming Federal Student Financial Assistance: Income Share Agreements
Justice Stevens’s Second Amendment Pipe Dream
Project Labor Agreements Give Unionized Companies Unfair Advantage
How Federal Subsidies Make Harvard More Expensive and Less Accessible
The Case Against Free College Tuition
The Capillary Growth of Counterproductive Wars
Withdrawal from Syria Would Be Unusual Bright Spot for American Foreign Policy
What ‘Chappaquiddick’ Gets Right Is Enough to Make Your Blood Boil

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