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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Education Startup Makes the First Year of College Tuition-Free
Can the Market Really Work in Health Care?
Problems with the Market Monetarist Approach to “Explaining” the Economy
Why Is Public Support for State Universities Declining?
Minimum Wages Might Mean Fewer Benefits, So Let’s Not #Fightfor15
Real Patriotism on Memorial Day Means Losing Fewer Soldiers in Meaningless Wars
Should Schools Require Foreign Languages? Doubtful.
Let’s Restore Constitutional Protections on U.S. College Campuses
Fighting Bias with Business
Why Is the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Conference Backing Compulsory Union Speech?
SURPRISE! Banning Styrofoam Creates All Kinds of Problems Including Environmental Ones
Yes, Carbon and Other Taxes Make Gas Ridiculously Expensive
Learning by Earning: Why Student Investment Groups Are Better than Internships
Cut the Red Tape to Get More Affordable Housing
Four Problems with Research in American Universities
The Sea Is Rising, but Not Because of Climate Change
The FDA Should Quit Regulating Nicotine Cold Turkey
High-Deductible Health Insurance: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Genetic Evidence Just Identified a Brutal Killer-Rapist, but Privacy Alarmists Want It Barred from Courtrooms
Malcolm X’s Forgotten Kindred Soul
‘Kill All The Administrators’ (Not Really)
The Senate Should Nix the Nomination of Gina Haspel to Lead the CIA
Do Daycare Workers Need College Degrees? Adam Smith Probably Wouldn’t Think So
Racial Disparities and the High Cost of Low Debates
Academic Freedom, Intellectual Diversity and the Charles Koch Foundation

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