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en Espanol Commentary Articles

The Silence of the Shepherds
The combination of establishment misrule and Republican impotence leaves the field open to whomever takes it upon himself to lead.
Why Aren’t More Americans Getting Vaccinated?—Blame the FDA
The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak
The Covid-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus.
The Great Leftist Bully Boy Hope
The refined and moral Left places itself on a pedestal, above the fray—and as such it has a natural attraction to those in its midst who do not.
Repurposing Deserted Academic Villages—Sell Student Housing?
Lessons for Today from the Gold Standard
Though a return to the old system isn’t likely, the Fed’s management of the fiat dollar has been worse.
Vaccination Weaponization
The Biden Administration should look in the mirror before casting stones at others.
Could a Collapse of Cryptocurrencies Force a Reform of the Global Monetary System?
Why I’m Suing Over My Employer’s Vaccine Mandate
I have natural immunity, so there’s no justification for a coercive violation of my bodily autonomy.
Pass the Bipartisan National Security Powers Act
Eradication of Covid Is a Dangerous and Expensive Fantasy
It seemed to work in New Zealand and Australia, but now ruinous, oppressive lockdowns are back.
China’s Obstruction of Virus Origin Investigation Gets Official American Support
Profiles in Campus Leadership: Charles J. Ping, R.I.P.
Incompetence + Arrogance = Woke
Politically correct ideology is masking and contributing to the widespread failure of our institutions.
What’s in a Name? Quite a Lot, Actually
DOJ Dropping Case Against Chinese Researcher Will Encourage Spying
What Is Woke Really About?
Wokeness is many things. But increasingly it seems a cover for careerism, profiteering—and utter incompetence.
Will We Be Allowed to Carry Our Freedom Where We Need It Most?
The NRA Was There
Due Process on Campus: Is It Improving or Declining?
Prices Have Work to Do, Even in Pandemics
Where Have All the Economists Gone? (Taxes)
Here’s Why the Utah-Led Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Play Games the System
No, Inflation Isn’t Good for Workers
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Call Leftists “Liberal”

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