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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Debt Ceiling Kabuki: Republicans Will Cave and U.S. Government Finances Will Get Even Worse
Texas Conservatives Should Not Support Banning Land Sales to Foreigners
Bill targets Chinese, Iranian, North Korean and Russian nationals, but it will undermine economic freedoms.
Reckless Reparations Reckoning
The lesson from the $22 trillion record of Great Society compensatory payouts is that massive infusions of federal money are more apt to ensure social disruption and dislocation than alleviate them.
San Francisco Falls Into The Abyss
It’s Time to Put a Brake on the Debt-Ceiling Charade
The U.S. should break the habit of going to the fiscal brink and adopt a policy that has been shown to work.
The IMF and Sri Lanka Are Partners in Delusion
As Sri Lanka enters its 17th IMF program, it’s time to ask for a different solution to the country’s problems.
The Garage Papers
From Alger Hiss to Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, it’s all about memory against forgetting.
Who Is ‘Accountable’ to Whom?
South Carolina Lawmakers Bear Responsibility for Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling
South Carolinians need to rethink the way judges are selected.
‘Belief in Freedom’ Is Bad for You
So is “distrust of government,” according to a study in the American Journal of Medicine.
Does the U.S. Need to Contain China in Africa?
How Japan Kept Inflation Rates Low
Its monetary policy has long been ultra-tight, not ultra-loose.
Feds Are Profiting Off of Policy: Only Voters Can Stop Them
Sins Against Children
On America’s moral compass in the face of Covid.
Police Failures in Philadelphia Have Made Private Policing More Attractive
When Putin Turned His Back on Reaganomics
For a fleeting period he implemented serious tax reform before he did an about-face.
Why Are Politicians Ignoring the Elderly?
Wanted: A Successful Collegiate Rent-Seeker
Lobbying has made American higher education fat and ineffective.
The Baleful Cargo of Woke Diversity Worship
Just as uniformity can result in both stability and stagnation, so too can diversity sometimes ensure either dynamism or bedlam.
U.S. Should Allow Venezuela to Export More Oil
When Will Academia Account for Its Covid Failures?
We need universities to be robust centers of debate, not rigid enforcers of ideological conformity.
Peru’s Defining Moment: Its Government Rightly Prevented an Illegal, Leftist Coup
Why Are Gas Prices So High In California?
Are Universities Doomed?
Elite university degrees certify very little. And the secret is out.
10 Steps to Save America
Yes, there is a way. But is there the will?

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