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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Coal, Gas, Oil and Uranium Are Still Best Energy Alternatives
Book Review: Emily Gets Her Gun...But Obama Wants to Take Yours
America’s Technology Sector Is Too Eager to Cave to a Snooping Government
Income Tax Turns 100
Beginning of the End for the Kirchner Era
How the Shutdown Europeanized the US Constitution and How to Restore It
Book Review: Gun Control in the Third Reich
As in Iraq, Completely Withdraw US Forces from Afghanistan
“Affordable Housing” Rules Result in Opposite
Turkey’s Arms Purchase Should Jolt U.S. Alliance Policies
Government Spending and Regime Uncertainty
Could the Republicans Sell Water in the Desert?
Want Affordable Housing? Let Builders Build
Ignorance, Intelligence, and War-making
We Don’t Need More ‘Spin’ About NSA’s Unconstitutional Domestic Snooping, We Need It Stopped
A U.S. Worker Shortage Calls for ‘Red Card’ Immigration Reform
Life in a Climate Cataclysm Box
Barack Obama’s Nixonian Fed Pick
If Obamacare Falters, Insurers May Pay High Price
All I Am Saying Is Give Shutdown a Chance
The United States Has Made Its Bed in Somalia and Libya
A Country Party
Minimum Wage, Maximum Nonsense
The $35 Billion Windfall from Delaying Obamacare’s Individual Mandate by One Year Could Restore National Institutes of Health Funding for a Decade
The New Red Menace: Deficit Spending

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