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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Republicans for Obamacare?
Let’s Privatize the Welfare State
Obamacare’s Insurance Exchanges Will Foster a Race to the Healthcare Bottom
NSA Spying Scandal May Indicate U.S. Checks and Balances System Is Broken
As Obamacare Unravels Before Our Eyes, It’s Time to Craft an Alternative
Healthcare Contract with America
Terrorist Attack on Kenyan Shopping Mall Should Cause Americans to Pause
Report from the ‘War on Coal’
Russia Bashing Is a Dead End
The Panthers Were Right and Reagan Was Wrong on Gun Control
The Centrality of Habeas Corpus to Liberty
Syria War Wariness Should Remain
The Obama-Boehner Project
Gain Leverage over Putin with Some ‘Shale Diplomacy’
Obamacare’s Medical-Device Excise Tax: Early Evidence Suggests Significant Harm
Inclusionary Zoning Makes Housing Less Affordable
Climate Change Rebuttal: Evangelical Scientists Correct One Error, Make Others of their Own
What You Don’t Know about Immigration Can Hurt You
The Attack on U.S. Property Rights Continues
Obama’s College Affordability Scheme Gets an ‘F’
Parting Ways with the American People
The U.N. Climate Panel’s “Hot Spot” Is Missing in Action
ObamaCare Was Sold to American Voters on Deceptive Terms
How To Lose a War Before Even Starting It
How Congress Encourages Shortages of Cancer Drugs

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