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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Does the Beggar on the Street Have a Moral Claim on My Earnings?
Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor?
Medicare by the Scary Numbers
California Legislators Should Stop the Revenue Rollercoaster
What If the Exchanges Aren’t Ready In Time
Medicare by the Scary Numbers
Why Common Core’s Math Standards Don’t Measure Up
Obamacare’s Costs Revealed
Down the Slippery Slope in Syria
Down and Out in Syria
NSA Snooping on Americans Is Unconstitutional and Outrageous
Could Global Warming Slow Sea Level Rise
What Paul Krugman and The New York Times Don’t Know About Healthcare Reform
On Final Approach to Fighter Fiscal Sanity
Different Planes, Common Problems
The Deadly Empirical Data
Alphabet Soup: PAUCs, APUCs, URFs, Cost Variances, and Other Pricing Dodges
The New Era of Good F-35 Feelings
Threat from China Is Being Hyped
Addressing and Discrediting 7 Major Myths about Immigration
Obama’s New Restricted War on Terror Is Unlikely to Be Lasting
IRS Scandal Is Nothing New—It’s Always Been a Political Weapon
IRS Politicization Comes in Many Forms
Coming Soon to America: A Two-Tiered, Canadian-Style Health Care System
The Ruling Class Consensus on Domestic Spying
Should the Law Governing the War on Terror Be Changed?

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