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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Why the Left and the Right Can’t Talk to Each Other About Health Care
Navigating the ObamaCare Maze
The Government Is the Worst Vendor Possible for Managing Health-Insurance Exchanges
Ending Racial Hatred with Heart, Wallet
Rickey and Robinson believed that people should be judged on their merits, not by the color of their skin. They also believed that capitalism, not government, held the key to equal opportunity
The Cruel Things Obama Is Doing to the Labor Market
Gun Free Zones
A Prevalent Delusion
Devastating News for ObamaCare Backers
Atoms for Peace: Now What?
The Oil Price Enigma
Political Decentralization Might Help in Conflict-Ridden Countries
Sweatshops in Bangladesh Improve the Lives of Their Workers, and Boost Growth
Achieving Obamacare Goals without Obamacare
Guns, Bombs, and Government
Malpractice Law Is Bad for Your Health
Avoid Drumbeat to Escalate in Syria
Hans Rosling and the Magic Washing Machine: A Lesson
Why ObamaCare May Cost You Your Job
Government Response to Terrorism Needs to Be Dialed Down
The Fractured Left
Good News on Natural Gas is Bad News for a Democratic Party Full of Environmental True-Believers
Soaking California Taxpayers, Again
For the Politicians in Sacramento, there can Never be Enough Revenue or Regulation.
Boston and the Future of IEDs in America
Climate Change Conversation Aborted
Targeted Killings in the Drone War—Illegal and Unconstitutional
Pentagon’s Budget Realities Mandate New Defense Team
North Korea Is Like a Misbehaving Child—Ignore It
California’s Anti-chemical Campaign

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