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en Espanol Commentary Articles

Why Will It Be So Hard to Pull the Plug on Amtrak?
We Should Have Repealed the National Emergencies Act a Long Time Ago
Is It Time to Pull the Plug on Amtrak?
Algeria’s Belated Arab Spring
The Triple College Crisis: Crisis #3. Too Few Good Jobs
Is ‘Energy Independence’ a Worthy Goal?
Suppressing Free Expression: Gonzaga and Rider Universities
Gavin Newsom Doesn’t Care about Crime Victims
Healthcare Needs Price Competition, Not Just Transparency
The Supreme Court Will Likely Approve Trump’s Wall
Achievement Unlocked: Three Things to Celebrate at Age 40
The Triple College Crisis. Crisis #2: Too Little Learning
End Monopoly Protections to Fix PG&E and Other Utilities
The Triple College Crisis. Crisis #1: College Is Too Costly
What Socialized Medicine Looks Like
Let’s Transform Higher Education: Restoring the Promise
40 Years Later, How Has the Iranian Revolution Changed the World?
Desperately Want into Yale? Use the Black Market—Hire an Academic Prostitute
North Carolina’s Economy Depends on Immigrant Workers
Is Going to College Worth It? Some New Evidence
Trump’s Wall Depends on Chief Justice John Roberts
Will Juan Guaido Give Venezuela the Free Market It Needs to Succeed?
Collegiate Free Speech and the Federal Government
Why Republicans Lose Health Care Debates
We Should End Tax Giveaways to Electric Vehicle Owners

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